
Benefits of Corn Rice for the Health

There is a saying that says "Indonesians have not eaten if they do not consume rice". No wonder rice is one of the favorite menus, as well as corn rice.

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Glancing at the Advantages and Nutritional Content of Shredded Tuna

Indonesia is one of the countries that has abundant fish potential including skipjack fish, tilapia, gourami and tuna. However, the processing of fishermen's catches is not optimum. In fact, the nutritional content of fish is a source of high protein and low in fat. Protein in tuna is high and very good for consumption for children and adults.

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Unheard Benefits of Palm Sugar for Health

Palm sugar is one type of sugar that is popular as a sweetener in coffee.

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Get to Know the Nutrition of Candlenut that is Beneficial for Health

Candlenut is one of the seeds of plants that is often used by the people of Indonesia as a flavoring. Besides being consumed as a spice in cooking, candlenut is generally also processed to be used as oil. Therefore, we from PT Putra Nasa Mandiri provides candlenut that has been processed in a hygienic and modern way to produce quality products.

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Various Benefits of Snails for Body and Skin Health

Snails are animals that belong to the group of mollusks or soft-bodied and shelled animals. Some people may feel a little amused when they see or even just imagine a snail. For this reason, PT Putra Nasa Mandiri as a producer of quality processed snacks in Indonesia presents snail chips that are ready for consumption.

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Learning the Benefit of Pepper Seeds as an Herbal Medicine for Body Health

Pepper seeds are generally widely used as flavoring in cooking. Although it only functions as a spice and in small doses, pepper or often also referred to as pepper is one of the spices that is also beneficial for health. In addition, thanks to ingredients such as piperine (plant compound), folate, vitamins A, E, and K make pepper also used as herbal medicine.

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Indonesia and the rich spices of the archipelago

Indonesia was once the caretaker of the world's maritime trade with the spice route as the pivot. Indonesia's cultural diversity forms a mosaic of life unrivalled anywhere else in the world. The richness of spices became a symbol of exoticism, wealth, prestige, and was synonymous with sacredness.pepper-seed

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